October 31, 2007

So close...

I am terrible at ordering things. Well, ok, that's not always true. At restaurants, I have time to decide what looks really good before placing my order. Online I have many options and take my time with whatever I'm choosing to buy. At Caribou, however, I have discovered that unless I drag my aching body to the counter and whimper "coffee" I suck. Yesterday I went to Caribou because I had a coupon that was expiring today. I walked in, excited about the caffeine soon to be rushing through my veins, and got to the counter only to completely freeze when the guy asked me what I wanted. Stammering, I think I picked the second thing I saw - saying 'medium macchiato' thinking soon after that I had no idea what that was. I think Meg Ryan ordered one in You've Got Mail, but she says more than medium macchiato and she was at a Starbucks. I also ordered a muffin then waited for my drink.
When I got my drink, it seemed light, like it was only half-full or so, then I sat down and took the first drink. The only way I can describe it is to say that I have almost completely blocked it from my memory. Tears came to my eyes, that's all that's left.
I waited a few minutes before scuttling over to the counter to get a package of sugar and a creamer.
It almost saved it.

1 comment:

doshtate said...

At least you didn't order a tall decaf cappuccino.

Have you read "The Paradox of Choice" book? Maybe you would feel better about your ineptitude of ordering things... :-)