As much as this pains me to say, I am nearly addicted to Dancing with the Stars (not really). My roommate and I have watched it 2 weeks in a row, but only on Mondays since she has class and I have to work on Tuesdays, and we even discuss it during commercials. It is quite the, uh, phenomenon. I'm a little disappointed in the stars actually. I thought Jane Seymour was better than this...alas, she is a contestant, and not really the best one either. I mean, she's ok, but Scary Spice (yes, THE Scary Spice - sans scary hair) has totally kicked her butt both weeks. Also, Tom Burgeron is my hero. As is Len, the old English judge. The other host and the chick judge, not so much. They're basically stupid, boring and dumb but with highlights. Not surprising, but still...
While I could go on for quite some time, I would like to go to bed soon so I'll just list the highlights in no particular order.
- Drama, drama, drama, with a pinch of drama on the side. First Jane's mom apparently died (before I became a "loyal" viewer) then Marie Osmond fainted, then Jane had food poisoning and couldn't come to the results show, then the Cheetah Girl! got kicked off. Ok, two of those were more funny than dramatic, but I have been told that I have a sick sense of humor. So.
- Marie Osmond (MO) said to her dancing partner to "kick [her] trash" tonight. Seriously?
Trash??? I understand that they want to keep things clean and that MO has
never, ever swore but come on. She couldn't say the slightly less offensive "butt" or "tush" before trash???
- Joke, from Len (who is from England, I think I mentioned this already) "Just because you're from Brazil doesn't mean that you know how to dance the (insert correct name of dance that I don't remember here) just like how just because you're from Texas, doesn't mean that you know how to be President" heehee...
- The fact that Tom doesn't really do anything but crack jokes the whole time, and he is the only one of the 2 "hosts" that has any public speaking skills whatsoever. Also, he was on Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me!!
- Last week the
Racecar driver's partner said he was the only athlete left. Ha. Athlete. Good one. Yeah, I usually break a sweat and burn oh so many calories driving in circles too. We now refer to him always using finger quotes. "The "athlete" kind of sucked it up tonight" for example is always effective.
- That
one actress from 90210 is on this show. I just really respect her as a person, and she's not as annoying as MO or Scary Spice so I'm pulling for her.