I spent Wednesday night at the Ramada in Green Bay Wisconsin. You may be wondering, but Klue, why on earth would you want to spend Thanksgiving Eve in Green Bay? Well, I didn't. In fact, I probably never will. On my way
home for operation turkey, there apparently was snow, or wind or ice, and our pilot apparently values his life or something, so we didn't quite make it. Also, since I was flying Northwest, and they hate being successful, we had to pay for it. Discounted, of course, but I didn't order crappy weather to stop us from landing when we were supposed to, so why should I pay for what amounted to a nap? Am I suggesting that Northwest did this? "This" being stealing our joy, robbing us of breakfast and proper caffeine? I cannot say, as they won't return my calls.
Luckily, the next morning, we did get home eventually, but only after the genius pilot totally freaked us all out when telling us that our back-up plan was not to land somewhere in Michigan, but to return to Minneapolis.
This did not go over well. Needless to say, our flight attendant had some major damage control to do. She was, however, the best flight attendant I have ever had, making it literally impossible to be mad at her, so we all just kind of shrugged and made fun of Green Bay as much as possible.
With that comes a comic from toothpaste for dinner that I'm hoping will not come to symbolize my flight experiences, but will probably not be surprised if this is the case.
1 comment:
the picture above the toothpastefordinner comic on my blog is a polariod of an alley. aka awesome!
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