October 5, 2007

Pink eye, puddles and other ways to die

Today I almost died. Several times.

#1 - I woke up this morning with a very red eye, which had started last night, but got worse through the night. After my first class I went on an ingenious website to check my symptoms only to find that I have to wait a little longer to see if I do indeed have pink eye and will die an eye related death. Probably will be freaking painful and an obviously very pathetic way, but such is life.

#2 - I had to go across the bridge for class (which goes over the mighty mississippi) and realized about five minutes before I should leave (if I was going to ride my bike) that it is raining again. I decide that I will ride my bike instead of taking the bus - it can't be that bad, right? Riiiiight. Ok, so I start riding and my tires, which are not the knubby kind, more like the street kind, are kicking up an unbelievable amount of water at the bottom of my pants. I decide to go around large puddles. Naturally, this makes very little difference. Shortly thereafter I realize that my back tire is also kicking up a fair amount of water. On the back of my pants. So now, not only does it look like I peed my pants, but also that the pee made it all the way down to my socks. Fun. Hypothermia, here I come.

#3 - Still riding bike. Momentarily considered locking up bike near bus stop and ride bus instead. Alas, did not take this course of action. Riding down the sidewalk, I decide to go around someone on the grass since I am impatient and didn't want to follow them at a very slow pace. I get off the sidewalk, am past the person, turn to get back on the sidewalk...and wipe out. Almost completely. Amazingly enough, I didn't fall on the sidewalk, but managed to ram someone's backpack (maybe arm too, can't remember) with my handlebars and simultaneously look like the biggest idiot EVER. Completely mortified I recovered, started riding again and had to pass the same person a second time. Also, because of the rain, I was not wearing my helmet. Not the best decision of my life, given that this was the closest I came to death thus far on my bike.

I'm writing this with about 8 hours left in the day. I am optimistic that there will be no more near death experiences today, but I am and will not bet money on it. Why, you ask? See above.


tarabull said...

once again, i wish i was there to see that :)


Em Sizz said...

Now you know what my whole life is like. Basically flailing around hoping not to hit anyone. Yep.

doshtate said...

Please refer to jen's blog about biking without a helmet. Bad, bad idea. :)